Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sunday Scribblings

#71 - Decision
The prompt for this week is: Decision. I hope you make it a good one!

Each week, my BFF Jana goes to this website called Sunday Scribblings ( It is a site that gives you a topic to blog about. I've been enjoying hers for quite some time. I've made a decision to start to blog each week (if I can) with the topic.

So, this weekend's topic, oddly enough, is decisions. I thought alot about what to say with this topic. Should I talk about decisions that shaped my life? About the time that I went to Pat O'Brien's and met my husband? Or when we went to F&M's and Jana met hers? Or about the time I walked past a visiting colleague's office on my way home, went back to introduce myself, and through her ended up meeting some of the best friends I have? Or about the time I quit my job in Atlanta on the fly and moved back home to Virginia to live with my beloved Grandfather to finish my education?

There are so many small decisions you make in a day. Who knows how many of those seeming inconsequential decisions change the course of your life forever?

1 comment:

January said...

Don't forget to go to the Sunday Scribblings blog and post in the comments so people know where to find you!

I think all of the decisions you've made have been fine ones, because they have all lead you to where you are right now. And from my point of view that's not a bad place to be.