Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Another Update

We're in Medical City on day 3.

As you know, Eva had a port put in and started chemo last night. We waited and waited all day to start the chemo but it finally began at 10p! Good news is that Eva slept through the whole thing.

She seemed to do ok last night but this morning was a bit tough. She threw up all over the place. We got her vomiting under control and she rested.

Last night, we gave her two of the four drugs that she will get. Each of these drugs has a different really exciting potential side effect. One of these drugs causes nausea (check). The other one causes heart issues (wahoo, not check). They have to closely monitor her during the time she is receiving this drug. She gets this drug tonight and tomorrow. The next two, coming in the next round, can cause leukemia and hair loss, respectively, so sign us up!

Today, we had a bone scan. My sister, Angela, and I had taken a moment to slip out to the Y for some exercise when she left. Jon had the pleasure. By pleasure, I mean Jon got to experience what we have learned is called "Emersion Dementia." Fortunately, it did not last as long as it did when I had her with the CT and MRI.

Dr. Lenarsky came in and told us that the bone marrow aspirate came back ok, her belly scan came back ok, and her bone scan from this morning came back ok. We are still waiting on the biopsy but he feels pretty good we're in the clear there. Here is what that means: the neuroblastoma has not spread to her bone marrow, her belly or attached itself to any bones. That is a good thing.

The plan is for us to leave tomorrow after her chemo treatment. It is overwhelming what we have to do for Eva at home care. Good news is that we are going to have our nanny trained tomorrow so she'll be ready and an extra pair of hands for us.

Anyway, that's the story. Thank you, again, so much for your thoughts and prayers!


Vickie said...

I agree that there is a huge number of things to keep track of after a round of chemo. Ack! Just exhausting.


Terrie said...

Love and Prayers

jencooper said...

We are saying lots of prayers for all of you. Keep us posted!
