Thursday, April 03, 2008

Radio Silence

Good Morning!

Just a quick post regarding my radio silence. Turns out that our internet service went out last week. Unfortunately, it has taken a week to get it back up and running (it is STILL OUT!) Of course, at the same time, my internet at work seems to be not functioning properly! UGH!

This is, of course, the worst week this could happen as my annual campaign ended this week!

The kids are fine. Eva is fine except that she has learned to throw temper tantrums in the past month or so. Jack is doing well. We're all great!

Anyway, have lots of stories, of course!

I've missed reading all your blogs.

I'm hoping to be back up in the next couple of days!!!

1 comment:

Dad 2 eight said...

AHHHHHH! When does it stop?!!